Compliant Handling Policy

Compliant Handling Policy

Complaint Handling Policy

1. Introduction desires to provide a high-quality service to all our users and values feedback, including complaints, as it helps us to improve our services and the way we communicate. This Complaint Handling Policy outlines the process we follow in receiving, handling, and responding to any complaints you might have.

2. Scope of Policy

This policy applies to any complaints about's services, operations, website functionality, or any other issues related to your experience with our platform.


3. Submitting a Complaint

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, we encourage you to contact us directly via the contact information provided on our website. Please include a detailed description of your complaint, any relevant dates, and what you believe should be done to resolve the issue.

4. Complaint Handling Process

  • Acknowledgment: When we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge it promptly, aiming to do so within 10 business days to confirm it's in our hands.
  • Review: Each complaint will be carefully reviewed. We might contact you to better understand your perspective or to request more details. Our goal is to comprehend fully the nature of the complaint and any expectations you have regarding its resolution.
  • Informal Resolution Attempt: We endeavor to resolve complaints informally where possible. This might involve explaining a misunderstanding, providing additional information, or taking appropriate remedial action that does not impose undue burden on
  • Outcome Communication: We will communicate with you regarding the outcome of our review. While we strive to address concerns to the satisfaction of all parties, there may be instances where our solutions are guided by operational constraints or policy considerations. We will explain our position and any actions we propose to take.
  • Further Steps: If the resolution we propose does not meet your expectations, we encourage feedback. However, please understand that while we are committed to reviewing all feedback thoroughly, the nature of some complaints may limit our ability to provide the outcome desired by all parties. We will offer guidance on any additional steps that can be taken within the scope of our policies and capabilities.

5. Confidentiality

All complaints received will be handled with confidentiality and in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Your personal information will only be used to process the complaint and to check on the level of service we provide.

6. Continuous Improvement

We will record and analyze all complaints to identify any trends or systemic issues and to ensure we can take the necessary actions to improve our services. This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as required to ensure it meets our users' needs and expectations.

7. No Liability disclaims any liability for any damages or implications arising from the submission, processing, or resolution of complaints. This policy does not form a contract and does not create legal obligations beyond those applicable under Terms and conditions.

8. Contact Us

For any complaints, please reach out to us via the contact details available on our website. We are here to assist and ensure your experience with is positive and satisfactory.

9. Changes to the Complaint Handling Policy

We reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time to reflect changes in our operations or legal obligations. The latest version will always be posted on our website.

